NEW Ripple Spinner: Relaxation, Sleep, Anxiety, Grief, Meditation, Somatic Mindfulness, Autism, ADHD

Описание к видео NEW Ripple Spinner: Relaxation, Sleep, Anxiety, Grief, Meditation, Somatic Mindfulness, Autism, ADHD

The Ripple Spinner Story:

My husband, Tom Sire Clark, is a phenomenal artisan. A third-generation woodturner, he has been exploring by turning these shapes, reminiscent of a water droplet, on a lathe since the early 1970's, with more deliberate focus on seeing what qualities it reveals starting in the early 1990's. My curiosity and sense of play recently led me to realize that we could animate them with spheres, marbles, crystals, etc., and the Ripple Spinner was born!

I use them to focus, to meditate, and as an alternative to technology. Tom and I love showing each other new ways to play with the Ripple Spinners. It's like a gorgeous, mature, spiritual version of a fidget spinner, or a very tiny, less dangerous version of showing off tricks in a skate park.

As we were discovering that we were onto something, I shared them around, eager to see if people found them as fun as we do. They LOVED them! They urged us to make more of these. I'm even considering forming a non-profit to get these out into people's hands in a major way: school counselors, senior centers, prisons, in the hands of our political leaders, everywhere, really. I think they'll change the world.

Ripple Spinners are wonderful for parties because we humans often don't know what to do with our hands at those times. Here's what happened when I introduced the Ripple Spinners:

* A kindergartner adored the spinner and got his grandfather to play, for at least 30 minutes of connection, focus, fun, and giggles that neither will ever forget.
* Waiting for a graduation ceremony to begin, teenagers set down their phones to interact with the toy and each other, urging each other to do different tricks with it. "Did you see that?" Their mother saw the value immediately, and asked us where she could buy the Ripple Spinner, but we weren't selling them yet.
* A worried working father with ADHD paused to breathe and be present, a smile of awe coming to his face as the marbles circled. "This would help me sleep!"
* A boy on the autism spectrum explored the heft of the spheres and how they spin, transfixed and enjoying himself among the guests.
* A therapist exclaimed, "I could use one of these in my practice."
* Some folks especially savor and comment on the texture and smoothness of the turned wood.
* It can help with pain as anxiety causes pain to increase.
* Excellent replacement for addictive behavior like smoking or ...ahem...watching YouTube. :)

Whenever I've shared the spinners, each gathering became more connected and interactive, as people enjoyed this exploration of spinning beauty.

Thanks for reading!

Whatever you do, you're making a ripple. Choose wisely, with love.

At first, we thought we might sell these, but we came to realize that Ripple Spinners are sacred object for connecting to oneself and others. Sacred objects stop being sacred when they are sold, so they belong to everyone. We are starting a sponsorship program where you can support our initiative to give Spinners away. The idea is that we give them to people who gift them on, and these toys can connect us all and make the world a better, more mindful, more joyful place. Visit for details (thanks for your patience as we get this going).

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PS Thanks to everyone who believes in the spinners! Thanks to Eli, Dani, Amos, Maggie, Mary Gold, Will, Viviana, Finn Po, and so many more of our loved ones for enjoying these and inspiring us to go make Ripples.


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