三军仪仗队气势恢宏!升国旗!奏国歌!解放军南昌八一广场国际劳动节升旗仪式/PLA/Nanchang/Ba-yi Square/Labor Day/Flag Raising Ceremony

Описание к видео 三军仪仗队气势恢宏!升国旗!奏国歌!解放军南昌八一广场国际劳动节升旗仪式/PLA/Nanchang/Ba-yi Square/Labor Day/Flag Raising Ceremony

In the early morning of May 1, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province held a flag-raising event at Bayi Square to celebrate the May Day International Labor Day and pay tribute to workers. Accompanied by the passionate melody, the national flag guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the honor guard of the three armed forces entered the scene. Facing the morning light, the bright five-star red flag slowly rose. Many model worker representatives, citizens and tourists gathered in Bayi Square to watch the ceremony and sing together National anthem.
三军仪仗队气势恢宏!升国旗!奏国歌!解放军南昌八一广场国际劳动节升旗仪式/PLA/Nanchang/Ba-yi Square/Labor Day/Flag Raising Ceremony


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