
Описание к видео 一對來自香港夫婦因想留在加拿大照顧年邁母親用人道理由申請永久居留權

A Couple Applied for Permanent Residency Because They Would Like To Stay in Canada to Take Care of Their Elderly Mother



自從丈夫過世後,婆婆健康狀況每況愈下。2017年,她摔倒,導致腿部和背部受傷,活動能力受到限制。為了幫助她康復,申請人於 2018 年底以旅客身份來到加拿大,並已續簽。自從抵達後,母親被診斷出患有帕金森氏症,骨質疏鬆症導致椎骨骨折。醫生證明顯示她需要隨時有人照顧。


聯邦法院法官認為移民官員決定不合理。 移民官員理由表明,他們正在考慮申請人是否證明他們「被要求」留在加拿大來照顧母親,作為非專業人士,他們是否是提供母親所需護理的「最佳人選」 。 人道理由申請中沒有特別要求申請人證明其必須在加拿大。他們也不需要證明自己有為醫護人員資格才為家庭成員提供個人照護。相反,問題是,考慮到所有相關因素,申請人的情況是否會激起一個理智的人透過人道理由以解除他們不幸的願望。




• 此人在加拿大的定居程度如何?
• 與加拿大一般家庭關係
• 任何相關兒童最大利益,以及
• 如果請求未獲批准,申請人會發生什麼情況?
• 申請人原籍國因素,包括不利國家條件。
• 申請人健康考慮,包括該國無法提供醫療照護。
• 家庭暴力考量。
• 親屬分離後果。
• 任何可能值得救濟之獨特或特殊情況。

公司電話 – 852 2815 9066
電郵 – [email protected]

This week, we examine how a couple from Hong Kong applied for permanent residency under humanitarian and compassionate considerations because the husband’s mother is ill and requires care from family members.

The health of husband’s mother has declined since the death of her husband. In 2017, she suffered a fall that resulted in a leg and back injury and limited her mobility. To assist her in her recovery, the applicants came to Canada in late 2018 on electronic travel authorizations (eTAs), which they have renewed. Since their arrival, the mother has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and osteoporosis has resulted in broken vertebrae. A doctor’s note indicates she needs to be taken care of at all times by others, and her own evidence and that of her family members confirm this.

The officer refused the application for the following reasons:

While it is clear that the mother requires assistance, there is insufficient evidence provided to establish that the applicant and his spouse are the best positioned people to provide this service, or that it requires them to permanently relinquish their lives and livelihood in Hong Kong in order to provide it.

The Federal Court Judge found the officer’s decision to be unreasonable. The officer’s reasons indicate they were considering whether the applicants had demonstrated that they were “required” to remain in Canada to care for the mother and, relatedly, whether as lay people they were the “best positioned people” to provide the care the mother needed. There is no particular requirement in an H&C application that an applicant show a necessity for them to be in Canada. Nor must they show that they are qualified as a health care worker to provide personal care and support to a family member. This is particularly so where, as here, the physical and emotional care that the applicants have been providing—and wish to continue providing as permanent residents—does not appear to require particular health care training. While issues of necessity or capacity may be relevant factors for consideration, they are not the central question and cannot alone be determinative. Rather, the question is whether, considering all of the relevant factors, the circumstances of the applicant would excite in a reasonable person a desire to relieve them of their misfortunes through H&C relief.

Judiciary review is granted.
Contact Halcyon Counsel to find out more about this and other programmes that could help you start a new life in Canada.

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