Convert 100mL to L (100 milliliters to Liters)

Описание к видео Convert 100mL to L (100 milliliters to Liters)

To convert 100 milliliters (ml) to liters (L), you can use the following steps. Note that the mL will cancel out as you perform the conversion, leaving only L:

Conversion Factor:

1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (ml)

Start with the quantity you want to convert (100 ml) and set up a ratio where the original unit (ml) is in the denominator and the target unit (L) is in the numerator, using the conversion factor:

Conversion factor: 1 L / 1000 ml

Write the quantity you want to convert (100 ml) as a fraction over 1:

100 ml / 1

Multiply this fraction by the conversion factor:

(100 ml / 1) * (1 L / 1000 ml)

Notice that the units of milliliters (ml) in the numerator and denominator cancel out, leaving only the units of liters (L):

(100 * 1) / (1 * 1000) L
= 100 / 1000 L
= 0.1 L

So, 100 mL is equivalent to 0.1 liters. The units of milliliters cancel out during the conversion process, leaving only liters as the final unit.


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