Perfume Extremes! : What Would I Choose? Perfume Tag created by

Описание к видео Perfume Extremes! : What Would I Choose? Perfume Tag created by

Recorded 14 January 2023, Saturday.

This was so much fun! Tried to stick to one perfume per question, but if you know me and tags, sometimes takes more than one product to give a complete answer, lol. Favorite over all versus equal favorites. 😘

Creators of the tag
Veronica    • If I Had to Choose: Perfume Extremes ...  
Please check them out!

A few of the perfumes mentioned:
My Way
Sweet Tooth
Please watch for the rest. 😄🌹

Thank you for watching. Have a good night, and good rest of your week, and weekend. Take care, be safe and loved. 💖

#perfumetag #perfumes #fragrances #sweettooth #


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