Winged Dyaus Pita Perfect Clear [Heavy Moon] - God Eater 3

Описание к видео Winged Dyaus Pita Perfect Clear [Heavy Moon] - God Eater 3

Took less attemps than I thought

Nepthys+30: Hold 5x2

Sky Rocket: Health 5x2, Bottomless 5, Beast's Nose 5

Autumn Fan: Stamina 5x2, Aficionado 5, Arcfinder 5

Accel Trigger: X-Lunatic
Burst Unit: PGC 21mm

Song: Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - Shadow Lugia Battle

The safe and easy way to do this would be to run past his right side(your left) and mash his tail with lunar orbits, but we're not smart

I kind of want to record this again because Dyaus seemed to be taking pity on me with all of the lightning attacks


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