Glooga Dualies Gameplay #4 - Splatoon 3 | Anarchy Battle (SZ)

Описание к видео Glooga Dualies Gameplay #4 - Splatoon 3 | Anarchy Battle (SZ)

Gameplay of glooga dualies in splat zones. It's been a long time since I've last used this weapon, so I decide to give it another go at it, thanks to a suggestion made by @jamesspirek6992. Glooga dualies is a mid range weapon that does good damage, solid mobility, semi-slow fire rate, semi-ink hungry, and okay paint output. This is a weapon that is good at applying some aggro pressure with it mobility, damage, and range, but can be a bit slow at doing it. So try to play aggro by either sharking or flanking your opponents. Use cover to your advantage and careful when pressuring around corner. If you can't approach, it's okay to play a bit passive by painting for team and to up your special and punishing those who are recklessly approaching. Small tip: normally firing will take three shot to kill while in turret mode, you'll have slightly more range and it takes two shot to kill an opponent. Now the kit is quite good. Splash wall is a sub weapon that will create a small barrier that blocks enemy fire. It's best to use this sub when you want to apply pressure or stall out the opponents. Just be aware of your ink tank the sub is a bit expensive and watch out for lethal bomb since they will explode instantly when touching a wall. Small tip: when applying pressure with gloogas, try to throw the wall first and then dodge roll once toward the wall. If preformed with enough space around, you will roll pretty close to the wall. This can be quite help in positioning yourself just close enough to utilizes the full range of gloogas while still being protected by wall. And booyah bomb is a special weapon that allow you to throw a spirit bomb while also being able to tank some enemy fire. You first need to charge up the spirit bomb by either letting it naturally charge up or you and your teammate spamming booyah. Once fully charged, you can throw the bomb a very long distance and the explosion will then slowly expand and then dissipate. This special is very good at displacing opponent from a long distance, can help your team push up, and can help you survive for a bit longer. It's best when you throw it at an objective, an opponent, or at a key location for your team to push up to. Thanks for reading this and hope you guys enjoy the video.


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