Is Dedra Meero About to DIE? ANDOR THEORY

Описание к видео Is Dedra Meero About to DIE? ANDOR THEORY

#StarWars #Andor #cassianandor #dedrameero #dedra #ISB #andortheory
I think superintendent Dedra Meero of the ISB needs to go. And I don’t mean this in a bad way, but Dedra is simply way too smart and way too ruthless to be kept alive. Throughout the entire 1st season, she has essentially made her way from the bottom to the top, driven by her own competencies and gut instincts. All of which has pointed her towards the right direction, and as every episode continues she seems to be getting closer and closer to exposing the full nature of the Rebellion. And all of this is great, it goes a long way to show that the Empire had incredibly competent personnel and that not everyone below the top brass of imperials are incompetent goons who often end up making a fool out of themselves.

Which is why Dedra is such a fascinating character and a very dangerous character. But what we’ve also seen throughout the entire season is that she hasn’t really hit any major roadblocks. Sure there have been a few obstacles along the way, but for the most part her ambition remained mostly intact and as a character she hasn’t really been pushed towards the brink of desperation like the other rebel characters. For the most part, it's been pretty smooth sailing for her especially once she got rid of her ISB rival. But I think something major is coming soon, something significant enough that might just throw her career off the tracks. And the reason why I think this might be the case is due to a scene not from Andor but from Rebels (scene).

This short brief moment between this imperial officer and Tarkin took place moments before the formal introduction of Thrawn. Who himself states that his intention is to ensure that there won’t be a galactic wide rebellion. But this particular scene which is supposed to take place 1 year before the battle of Yavin happens well after the events that occurred in Andor season 1, which is roughly 5 years before A New hope. And I think more questions are raised when you consider the fact that Dedra had already raised the possibility of a galactic wide rebellion within the ISB well before the events of rebels (scene).

So all this really just begs the question of what happened to Dedra’s findings? Did the Empire just forget about all of it or is this a mistake in continuity? It just seems like Dedra’s work wouldn’t go unnoticed, it simply wouldn’t make much sense. Afterall, she has already presented her findings to high ranking officials like Yularen and it wouldn’t make any sense if a guy like Thrawn wasn’t aware about the existence of her findings as well. As a major threat to the empire, it’s really not something that you could sweep under the rug. So what possible explanation could there be for this disconnect in what the empire knows about the rebellion? Well you could simply chalk it down to a continuity error, as that really wouldn’t be the first time star wars has made such a mistake. But I don’t think that that is the case.

You could actually argue that when Deedra presented her findings to the ISB back in episode 8, it wasn’t conclusive at all. Much of it was based on a working theory, one that was backed up by some evidence, but not at all conclusive for the Empire to act as if there was a coordinated rebellion at play. The ISB’s decision to invest in Dedra’s plan was more of a confirmation plan, to really see if Axis, Luthen, was really pulling the strings behind all the separate incidents of rebel activity (scene). So already it's pretty murky when it comes to checking if the Empire truly understands the scope of what is going on.

But even if the Empire didn’t have complete confirmation of a galactic wide conspiracy, the trajectory of Dedra’s investigation would have led her to eventually expose Luthen’s work and therefore a coordinated rebellion. She was afterall on the right track, having drawn the connection between Aldhani and stolen imperial property. Instead what this scene in rebels might foreshadow is Dedra Meero’s downfall. What becomes clear here is that Dedra needs to go if the rebellion is to survive.

But when I talk about Dedra’s future downfall, I don’t strictly mean that she has to die. Actually that might not even be the case. What actually needs to happen if the rebellion is to survive is that she needs to be discredited entirely. Her reputation within the ISB needs to be called into question and confidence in her competency needs to be completely destroyed. The ISB needs to be convinced to pass her off as a failed investment in order to completely invalidate her findings and her hunt for Luthen. Simply killing her wouldn’t do the job, if at all it would actually raise the suspicions of the Empire. That Dedra must have been on the right track which is why she was killed for it...


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