When Does An Ex Start Missing You? Me?

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When Does An Ex Start Missing You?

Welcome to another deep dive into the intricate dynamics of relationships post-breakup. Today's video, "When Does An Ex Start Missing You?" explores the emotional journey an ex goes through when you implement the no contact rule, especially in the context of a previously healthy and loving relationship.

When a relationship ends, especially one filled with good memories and genuine affection, both parties go through a significant emotional adjustment.

But what about the dumper? When does the person who initiated the breakup start to feel the absence of their former partner? This question is at the heart of today’s discussion.

The Role of the No Contact Rule:

The no contact rule is a strategic decision to cut off all communication with an ex after they break up with you. But it’s not just about silence; it’s about giving your ex the space to miss you. When you disappear from their life, the constant reminders of your presence that might prompt them to feel justified in their decision to leave are gone. In this vacuum, the absence of contact plays a crucial role.

Phases of Missing Someone Post-Breakup:

The Relief Stage:
Initially, the dumper experiences relief or certainty about their decision. However, as the silence prolongs, and they are no longer in constant defensive mode, they start to reflect. This is when the first seeds of missing you can start to grow. Without your presence, texts, calls, or social media interactions, they begin to feel a gap—a space you used to fill. They become curious.

Curiosity Stage:
During this phase, the dumper has the mental space to think about the relationship more clearly. This is where the quality of the past relationship plays a significant role. If the memories are positive and the times shared were happy, these memories start to surface. Your absence makes these good times more pronounced in their mind, creating a contrast to the current emptiness. It also makes them curious about what is going on with you. Are you over them? Have you "moved one." Are you as strong as you seem? This contrast is often what ignites feelings of missing what was lost.

As the dumper continues to live without the dumpee's presence, the reality of the situation starts to sink in. If the no contact period has given them enough time and space, they begin to question their decision. They realize that this isn't a game and that since you can stay away that it means they can't assume that they can just get you back if they ever decide they want to.

They might start to feel a void that wasn't apparent in the throes of the breakup. This is the stage where they truly start to miss you, not just the idea of you, but you as their partner and the unique elements you brought into their life.

Re-evaluation and Decision:
This is the critical point where the dumper weighs their current state against the memories and feelings they’ve come to miss. They might consider reaching out or reconciling, driven by the growing realization that the breakup might have been a mistake.

Why No Contact?

The no contact rule prevents your ex from moving too far away emotionally. It is vital if you are asking when an ex will start missing you.

When you're always available or trying to communicate post-breakup, it doesn’t give them the chance to miss you. Instead, it can often lead to frustration, reinforcing their decision to end the relationship. No contact, on the other hand, removes these barriers. It stops the chase, and in doing so, it stops them from running further away. It gives them something to miss and a reason to reflect on the breakup differently.

In conclusion, an ex starts to miss you when they are given the space to feel your absence. This process is catalyzed by the no contact rule, which amplifies the good memories and feelings they associate with you. If the relationship was a positive one, these memories become a poignant reminder of what they’ve lost, leading them to reconsider their feelings and the value of the relationship they walked away from.

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Accompanying article at: https://myexbackcoach.com/when-does-a...


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