The Evolving Hope Behind My Guinea Mom Era 🌿🌳🐾 Life, Two Years Later, Update

Описание к видео The Evolving Hope Behind My Guinea Mom Era 🌿🌳🐾 Life, Two Years Later, Update

And here we go. 💚

🌿🌳 After ages of plans, projects, trying to organize a million details to be "just right"... well, PLEASE take this nugget of life experience from me: the details do not matter. Situations change because life is living, organic, and no number of plans or goals, projects or level of determination no matter how much honest heart you pour into it no matter the cost... will get you to the place you want to go, if you're focused on the details.

Details break so easily - which, I think, is part of why they can be so delightful when everything goes to plan. It isn't just accomplishing those details with your own effort - it is the aurora borialis like rareness of them actually staying relevant and possible long enough to be fulfilled!!

So - the life lesson: Details are delightful possible stepping stones - but your compass no matter how the landscape changes is the sense of true connection to a deeper personal truth of who know, all alone in the deepest part of yourself, you could be if you give the meaning of your life over to the immersive experiences - the work, the savoring, the patience, the gentle observations - that would lead to your most flourishing, expansive self during this one precious, glorious life we're given a chance to live.

... yeah, a tall order. And not one that will ever, ever look the same - or even make sense! - from one person to another. But the best, deepst kind of compass possible.

I'm not sure what the meandering trail of my steps will look like or what value in the journey I can offer you... but I'm deeply grateful that here, at least, we can share a few of the discoveries I stumble on along the way.

Thank you, with all my heart. 🌳🌿


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