10道料理回顧「江振誠」主廚的人生經歷!台北餐廳「RAW」關門前的「回憶菜單」一同經歷法國、新加坡、台北...!Chef Andre Chiang's "Collective Memories"

Описание к видео 10道料理回顧「江振誠」主廚的人生經歷!台北餐廳「RAW」關門前的「回憶菜單」一同經歷法國、新加坡、台北...!Chef Andre Chiang's "Collective Memories"

RAW | Collective Memories
一場美麗的預謀 A Beautiful Scheme

00:00 highlights
00:11 the meaning of “RAW”
00:47 十週年菜單“Collective Memories”
01:16 1976|台北 士林夜市
01:31 1990|媽媽教的第一道菜
01:40 Bistronomy 小館美食學
02:05 1996|法國 蒙彼利埃&朗格多克 Montpellier & Languedoc
02:05 2001|法國 羅阿納&巴黎 Roanne & Paris
03:00 美食的巔峰 Top of the world
03:48 2002|泰國曼谷 Bangkok
04:07 2008|新加坡 Singapore
04:36 Creativity & the Team
05:35 2014|台北 Taipei 「代表RAW的一道菜」
05:59 用餐心得
06:25 江振誠引退記者會
07:35 未來
07:54 誰可以參加RAW未來的孵化訓練計畫?

江振誠在上個月宣佈即將退出廚房第一線。他推出的這個名為 “Collective Memories” 的菜單,其實是一場精心計畫已久的預謀。江振誠在每個重要的年份中選出一道代表性的菜品,並將它们串聯在一起。這種做法讓人聯想到人生的跑馬燈回顧,為他最終呈現 “The Last Dance” 菜單鋪路。在這一個回憶的套餐裡面有幾道菜是我特別喜歡的:

1996年的法式龍蝦凍。這道菜象徵著江振誠在法國廚藝生涯的開端,是他在餐廳Le Jardin des Sens(感官花園)終於能負責的第一道菜。最外層是薄薄的煙燻鴨胸,包裹著以龍蝦蔬菜高湯為基底製成的龍蝦凍糕,中間的夾層包括鮮甜的龍蝦肉、節瓜、芒果和芹菜根,一旁還有碧綠爽脆的甜豆以及哈密瓜,一秒就回到法國。


Last month, Chef André Chiang announced that he would be stepping back from the frontline of the kitchen. This suggests that his new menu, “Collective Memories,” is actually a meticulously planned scheme.

This menu gathers various dishes that hold special significance for André throughout his life. He selected a representative dish for each significant year, stringing these dishes together. This approach is reminiscent of a retrospective journey through life, paving the way for his final “The Last Dance” menu.

The Homard Pressé, symbolizes a milestone of André’s career in French cuisine. The outside is a thin piece of smoked duck breast, wrapping around the terrine made from lobster and vegetable broth. There are tender lobster, zucchini, mango, and celery root layered inside, accompanied with crispy sugar snap peas and cantaloupe on the side.

Another unforgettable dish is the “Memory” - Black Truffle and Foie Gras. The rich and fatty duck foie gras is made into a mousse and steamed to achieve a chawanmushi-like texture, but is even more delicate and smooth, melting like butter in the mouth. It is served with black truffle sauce, creating a classic and unbeatable flavor combination.

@jocelyn_tastytrip @andrechiang_sg @raw_taipei @_tastytrip_

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