"O, du mein holder Abendstern" from Tannhäuser by R. Wagner | Wolfram's Aria | Lucas Meachem

Описание к видео "O, du mein holder Abendstern" from Tannhäuser by R. Wagner | Wolfram's Aria | Lucas Meachem

I'm greatly missing the stage tonight and I wouldn't normally post this video but the longing I have for performing is like a distant star. Please enjoy this selection that comes from my entire artistic being.

O you, my fair evening star (translated from German)

Dusk covers the land like a premonition of death,
Wraps the valley in her dark mantle;
The soul that longs for those heights
Dreads to take its dark and awful flight.
Then you appear, O loveliest of stars,
And shed your gentle light from afar;
Your sweet glow cleaves the twilight gloom,
And as a friend you show the way out of the valley.
O you, my fair evening star,
Gladly have I always greeted you:
Greet her, from the depths of this heart,
Which has never betrayed her,
Greet her, when she passes,
When she soars above this mortal vale
To become a holy angel there!

Irina Meachem, piano
Courtesy of Tequila Cultural Festival


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