Beekeeping in Texas: the best honey in the world

Описание к видео Beekeeping in Texas: the best honey in the world

Meet Teri and her assistant beekeeper John as they share their excitement of their very first honey harvest. They got into beekeeping to supply John’s addiction to black tea with honey - now they love spending time together making “the best honey in the world!.”

Traveling around the USA and Australia, Cedar’s sister Mira found Flow™ Hives being used in some pretty diverse locations... suburban backyards, rural ranches, magical secret gardens, and even on a rooftop in downtown LA!

We will be uploading a new episode each week… you’ll meet Jeff, who has kept bees for decades, Kim who has eight kids yet still finds time to marvel at her first hive, Christie dealing with bears stealing her honey… 30 wonderful, passionate, engaged members of the Flow™ community…

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