Dark Star-Lotor

Описание к видео Dark Star-Lotor

LOTOR IS MY LITTLE TWINKLING SPARKLY DARK STAR and no one can tell me otherwise. So this is more about Lotor's character than who I ship him with (lotura) but there is LOTURA elements and LOTUXCA elements. Why? Because Axca has a hard as day boner for that man and I DON"T BLAME HER. Anyways.

Also... I really like his mom...I"m demented I know but she's so soft and squishy underneath all that evil. Just like Zarkon is. And I know that Zarkon's ghost is loving on his son and wife right now ,freed from that sick body of his. HE WILL SAVE HIS FAMILY IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT... and actually I have no control so that's what fanfiction is for lol.

Enjoy. Hahahahaha....

This video is about Dark Star-Lotollura. I was looking for my next song for this pairing. I totally heard this and I screamed. Lotor is my dark star. TO be honest he's a lot of things to me XD Anyways! Enjoymy next amv... It's mostly Lotor. But I do like this song for him alot.


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