How Turkish Family Do Iftar 🇹🇷 | Turkish Iftari Recipes | My Village Home🏡

Описание к видео How Turkish Family Do Iftar 🇹🇷 | Turkish Iftari Recipes | My Village Home🏡

Hello everyone welcome to my YouTube channel I hope you all are fine thank you I'm also fine and special thanks to my new followers welcome to Turkan Atay YouTube family I got many messages from you guys how to turkish people makes iftari and what are they preparing for the iftari and this video special for all of you I just show to you guys how Turkish people are making their iftar and how they are opening their Roza ❤️ I hope you will like the video I try to show all of you how Turkish people do there if daddy I hope you will like the video if you like the video just share as much as you can I need your support like the video and subscribe the channel thank you so much everyone inshallah see you in the next vlog ❤️

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