Walter H. Beuttler - "Ways of the Lord Series" (Part 1 - In Adversity); Sept. 1, 1973am

Описание к видео Walter H. Beuttler - "Ways of the Lord Series" (Part 1 - In Adversity); Sept. 1, 1973am

In September of 1973 brother Walter Beuttler made his third and final visit to Oakleigh Christian Retreat Center outside of Charlottesville, Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The first series of meetings brother Beuttler gave at Oakleigh in 1971 was on the “Manifest Presence of God.” He used a certain text from the Biblical book of Exodus and chapter 33, concerning Moses’ prayer. (The second series of messages given in 1972 entitled “Waiting on the Lord” which sadly, was not recorded.)
This present and third series of messages was from the same text in Exodus 33 and Moses’ prayer once again, but from a different angle! The series was concerning the “Ways of the Lord.”
This first message in his series of 5 is entitled, “The Ways of the Lord in Adversity” and was given on Saturday morning September 1, 1973. His message begins at the 1 ½ minute mark following a short introduction by Bob Monzano.
It was only 8 months following this series of messages that brother Walter Herman Beuttler went home to his eternal reward and the One he loved so much on May 17th, 1974. He has truly been missed, but his messages from God have inspired countless multitudes!!!


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