Cat exam preparation | suggestion | Tips for Cat Exam 2016

Описание к видео Cat exam preparation | suggestion | Tips for Cat Exam 2016

Strategy and Planning for Preparation
Understand your strengths and weaknesses to invest more time on your weak areas.
If one is weak at verbal, one should read a lot to enhance their vocabulary.
Take mocks seriously and regularly.
Time management is a necessity when it comes to taking an exam like CAT.
Don’t take your mock scores too seriously.
Be stress free on the day of the exam.
Arrive beforehand at your exam centre so you have ample time register yourself.
If you find that you are not able to solve certain questions, move on and solve others. Accuracy of the answers is more important than their quantity.
Whenever sitting to study, finish that particular topic in one go rather than switching topics.
When taking a mock sit for all the 3 hours and avoid pausing in between.
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