The #1 Secret to Manifesting: ALIGNMENT - What it is, what it feels like, how to achieve it!

Описание к видео The #1 Secret to Manifesting: ALIGNMENT - What it is, what it feels like, how to achieve it!

Hi babies! Today I want to talk to you about alignment - what is alignment? How do you know if you're in alignment? What does it feel like? How can you get into it if you're not already in it?

Alignment is the #1 Law of Attraction secret to manifesting. It is the cheat code - except there's no cheating involved, only high vibes! In this video I let you know exactly what it feels like and how to identify when you are aligned.

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Are you ready to love yourself like never before?

Are you ready to manifest real, true love into your life?

♥Love Mastery Program: Attracting “The One”
→ Discover unconditional self-love
→ Live your absolute best life
→ Attract the love of your life
→ Build a strong, committed, powerful and fulfilling relationship
♥ Tested methods to use the Law of Attraction to manifest your soulmate.

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Intro to Alignment:    • 3 EASY Steps to REPROGRAM YOUR MIND t...  

→ Book recommendations:

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Ask and It Is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks
The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
The Game of Life and How to Play it by Florence Scovel Shinn
The Tao of Pooh

More here:

The camera I use (Canon t6i):
The vlogging camera I use:
The raw vegan energizer + vitamin powder I use:
My vegan protein powder:
How I manage my weight:
My foundation:
My concealer:

This video and all videos on this channel are a means of social support. I have no professional training in life coaching. I simply talk about the things I’ve learned that have personally made my life better.

Healing by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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