DustDust completed plus all dialogues - Roblox Undertale Judgement Day

Описание к видео DustDust completed plus all dialogues - Roblox Undertale Judgement Day

Game link: https://www.roblox.com/games/49946612...
DustDust boss appears in only 3 timelines (64, 65, 66) and in 5 if you have Flowey Fun Pack gamepass (63, 64, 65, 66, 67). This boss was insane and is the hardest boss of the entire game (excluding Error 404, because he is impossible). This boss took me 15 hours of straight trying to complete him, but in the end, I've finally done the impossible. In total it took me 10 hours to get 20 lv, 2 weeks to get his timeline and 15 hours for the boss itself. I'm never touching him ever again and do not even want to remember this experience.
The boss rewards you with 5k exp and "..." badge, which unlocks DustDust character and DustDust combo in the main multiplayer game. Both are the strongest in the game.
Boss information:
Passive for both phases: every blaster DustDust uses has around 40% chance of becoming the hate version, aka a stronger one, which deals 50 damage (with karma) per hit. Literally one of the worst ones.
Also, all of his attacks are scripted, unlike Error 404's, which makes the boss slightly easier, since you can just remember what attacks he uses at certain hp.
Phase 1:
Passive for this phase: every hit you land on DustDust makes him teleport to a random place in the judgement hall. Even when he runs out of dodges he still teleports around losing hp every hit you do.
Around 20 dodges and 6666 (6k) hp, meaning that you need to hit him about 87 times. This phase is actually very easy, especially compared to the 2nd one, so there isn't anything bad about it, but the 2nd one on the other hand...
Phase 2:
Passive for this phase: the floor has white tiles that spawn randomly in different places, which do 30 damage (with karma) when you get hit by it.
DustDust has got 15000 (15k) hp in this phase plus one more hit you do in the ending cutscene, meaning that you need to hit him exactly 152 times to win. At certain hp he spawns minions that attack you: Dust Sans at around 11k - 10k hp, Killer at 8k, Insanity at 4k. Although they despawn by themselves after like a minute or less.
Tips & tricks that may help you complete this fight (some of them are made by me and used by me):
Phase 1: Honestly, I can't really give you any if you just simply can not complete this phase. The only tips I've got for you are: when he uses inverted bone zone (he does it when he runs out of dodges) tank it and run away from it unless DustDust is in the cage with you. This might save a lot of hp and time or else you'll just die or have to circle with him for like 2 minutes. 2nd tip: when he uses bones falling from the sky - spam jump, you have higher chances of dodging them like this. That's basically it, if you still can't complete even phase 1, then this boss is definitely not for you. Either forget about him or come back later when you get better, or keep fighting him and maybe one day you'll be able to easily complete it.
Phase 2: Now this is the annoying one. First of all, you will have to understand how to dodge the tiles (squares) on the floor and look at where DustDust shoots blasters at the same time. It's not easy, so don't be sad if you can't do it the 1st tries, I also couldn't dodge them properly the 1st 10 tries. Red squares actually don't damage you, so if you don't have a choice, then it's better to step on a red one than white one, this way you have more chances of saving hp, red becomes white only after like 3 or 5 seconds, so you do have time to dodge it. Try to never damage DustDust under 70 hp, unless it's neccessary to change his pattern (will talk about it later). Don't look at his hp until Killer, because you might accidentally get hit by a blaster or a tile. Don't care about his minions, but do not damage DustDust during them for safety, the minions literally do like 1 damage per attack, so it's not scary at all. When you get to Killer and he disappears - fully heal and prepare for bone circle spam. You will basically have to rush him during that spam even if you have low hp or else you're going to die. Basically get him to 7k hp (not under 7k though), heal until full, then rush him until like 6.5k and less (but not less than 6k), he will spam bone circles. Then when at less than 6.5k (around) he stops spamming them, this is the time to heal. Then when he's under 6k he spams them again, so you get this pattern: get Killer minion, heal fully, attack DustDust until like 7k, heal again if needed, attack until under 6.5k, heal, 6k, heal, get him under 5.5k, heal, 5k, get him under 4.5k, heal, then he spawns Insanity at 4k, he's very easy, so you'll be able to heal. And then keep attacking and healing until he's dead. Keep in mind that every under a thousand he spams circles until you get him to under 500 of that said thousand (for example: under 3k he spams circles until you get him under 2.5k). And then at 1k survive his bone fall, heal fully and FINISH THE JOB.
Hope this helped or will help and I wish you goodluck.


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