From Pressure to Peace: Natural Glaucoma Treatment Palming Meditation

Описание к видео From Pressure to Peace: Natural Glaucoma Treatment Palming Meditation

The majority of glaucoma cases are connected to elevated Intra Ocular Pressure, abb. as IOP. Enjoy a guided meditation to help reduce that pressure in your eyes, body and mind.

The traditional approach is to prescribe eye drops to lower the pressure which is key to prevent loss of peripheral vision and optic nerve damage. A reduction of 20-25% is considered great.

However, the eye drops are the "bandaid" approach that ignore the mental, emotional and physical aspects of glaucoma: Type A personality, perfectionism, being hard on yourself and others, overwhelm and more.

According to Louise Hay glaucoma symptoms are: Stony unforgiveness. Pressure from longstanding hurts. Overwhelmed by it all.

For a detailed presentation on glaucoma, watch the episode "Glaucoma — You Don't See It Coming" with my fellow vision teacher friend Jutta Schütte:
   • Glaucoma — You Don’t See It Coming  

A 2019 study in the Journal of Glaucoma put a group of people with open angle glaucoma into two groups: One just continued their eye drop medication, the second group added a daily guided one hour meditation practice for three weeks. The first group had no changes, while 75% of the second group reduced their IOP by about 25%

Books on Glaucoma:
Glaucoma, Josef Flammer:

German Language books:
Keine Angst vor Grünem Star, Ilse Stempel - Paperback

Glaukom - mehr als ein Augenleiden, Ilse Strempel - Kindle

Das andere Augenbuch, Ilse Strempel

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