Cut Comb Honey with Pierce Comb Cutter, All Natural Honey Still In The Comb. Simple and Profitable.

Описание к видео Cut Comb Honey with Pierce Comb Cutter, All Natural Honey Still In The Comb. Simple and Profitable.

In this video, I demonstrate how to harvest comb honey from a shallow frame by using the Pierce Comb Cutter Model 1015.
Everything you see in this video (aside from the bees, comb, and honey) is available through BetterBee and other beekeeping equipment suppliers.

Shallow supers get worked faster by the bees than Medium Supers.
A shallow frame is perfect for cut-comb as there is very little waste when you cut it precisely.
The Pierce Comb Cutter comes in two sized, 2 x 4 " or 4 x 4 " and seems absolutely built to last.
DAMAGE: I could find no evidence that the hot cutter was damaging the comb or honey other than to make the hot-cuts.
No smell of burnt honey or wax.

The "potential" profit based on current pricing September 28th, 2023

Comb Honey - Averages $14.00 per case with 8 oz of comb honey.

You can cut 8 - 8 oz comb honey segments from a single foundationless frame.

So, just one fully drawn, filled, and capped shallow frame could sell for $112.00 and then multiply that by 10-frames and you have $ 1,120.00 per shallow super. IF it is fully drawn and capped to meet the 8 ounce standard.

No uncapping tank.
No spinning
No extraction
No significant processing at all.

People are often shocked to learn that the bees make their own comb, put honey in it, and cap it themselves. It's a tiny miracle for sure!

You can get a well constructed comb cutter right here:|Or|searchlike~%20p.nm~comb|Or|searchlike~%20p.search_terms~comb|Or|searchlike~%20p.child_rollup_search_terms~comb)|And|(searchlike~p.sku~cutter|Or|searchlike~%20p.nm~cutter|Or|searchlike~%20p.search_terms~cutter|Or|searchlike~%20p.child_rollup_search_terms~cutter)&search_keyword=comb%20cutter

I receive no compensation at all for linking BetterBee.
BUT, you could tell them Frederick Dunn sent you and pay the exact same price as everyone else :)


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