Evanston Renovation 10: Kitbashing the Railroad Complex

Описание к видео Evanston Renovation 10: Kitbashing the Railroad Complex

In this layout update, we kitbash three structures for the railroad complex at Evanston on my N-scale model railroad. These three structures include the roundhouse, the machine shop, and the power plant. Kitbashing - that’s what we do when we modify commercial kits for use on our layouts, by changing their size, shape, and even their function.

Myers Anderson Rounhouse architectural report - http://www.myersanderson.com/#/the-ro...

"Evanston Renovation 9: Selecting Structures for a Model Railroad" -    • Evanston Renovation 9: Selecting Stru...  

My videos page -    / @n-scaleunionpacificevansto6569  


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