Brazilian Laser Hair Removal | What to expect when you stop?! Regrowth etc!

Описание к видео Brazilian Laser Hair Removal | What to expect when you stop?! Regrowth etc!

Hey guys! This weeks video is a follow on from a couple of Brazilian laser hair removal videos I have made a while back. If you want to check out my first couple of video, here they are -

First time Brazilian laser hair removal (what to expect from your first session) -    • Brazilian Laser Hair Removal | What t...  

6 month update (results so far) -    • Brazilian Laser Hair Removal | Result...  

I have had to stop my laser hair removal sessions due to lock down and thought I would share my experience and let you know what you can expect when you decide to stop your sessions for a while!

Thanks a mill for watching ☺️💓
Instagram - milliewickens


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