Giant Stag Beetle Pinches | Veliki rogač uščipne

Описание к видео Giant Stag Beetle Pinches | Veliki rogač uščipne

Stag beetle (Lucanu scervus) is a very spectacular insect with extremely long mouthparts; males have a giant jaws (mandibule) that look like antlers of stag. Males reach a length of 8 cm. Jaws function as weaponry. They can deliver painful pinches even to human. One such event was recorded when a giant male stag beetle was observing with kids. At the end of the video you can see that stag beetle really pinches.
#GiantStagbeetle #IncredibleWildAnimals #PainfulPinch

Rogač (Lucanus cervus) je žuželka z zelo dolgimi obustnimi deli; samci imajo močne čeljusti (mandibule). S čeljustmi lahko močno "uščipne". Tak dogodek je bil zabeležen ob opazovanju rogača z otroki.


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