Charlotte Knoester - Confirmation of Candidature of Doctoral Thesis

Описание к видео Charlotte Knoester - Confirmation of Candidature of Doctoral Thesis

25th November 2020 - Brown Bag Seminar

Presentation Title:
"Validating Students’ Evaluation of Educational Quality in Secondary School"

The quality of education a student receives plays one of the most important roles in determining students’ success. A school’s educational quality falls or stands with the teachers it employs. Thus, a robust and valid approach to measuring teachers’ effectiveness is important in determining a school’s educational quality. Secondary school teachers need an evaluation instrument that can provide them with diagnostic feedback on how to improve their effectiveness. This PhD will look at the most widely researched and validated student evaluation instrument in tertiary settings; the Student’s Evaluation of Educational Quality (SEEQ) questionnaire and test its validity for use in secondary education. This PhD has four main aims (1) to validate the SEEQ usage in secondary settings for both students and teachers, (2) examine the relationship between perceptions of teaching effectiveness of students and teachers, (3) look at student growth in comparison to student evaluations of teaching, and (4) look at the Professional Standards of Teaching in comparison student and teacher ratings.

Charlotte started at IPPE as Research Project Officer in 2018. Charlotte's previous work was in education. She is interested in researching best practices in education and has a secret passion for motivational neuroscience. Charlotte hopes that her PhD work enhances the effectiveness of education and enriches the lives of all students.


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