Offshore Wind Resource Modeling (Learning from the Experts)

Описание к видео Offshore Wind Resource Modeling (Learning from the Experts)

October 20, 2021. In this webinar, Josiah Mault with DNVGL and Jeff Freedman with the University at Albany, State University of New York, discussed wind resource modeling and using met-ocean buoy data. Josiah is a Senior Team Leader and Offshore Energy Assessment Lead managing a team of analysts performing wind resource and energy analyses in support of pre- and post-construction wind projects for development and financing. Since joining DNV in 2008 he has supported over 50 GW of wind projects, including 8 GW of offshore wind projects. Dr. Jeffrey M. Freedman is currently a Research Associate at the University at Albany, State University of New York’s Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC). As part of the Boundary Layer and Renewable Energy groups at ASRC, his main research focus is on renewable energy and atmospheric boundary layer processes.

This webinar is part of the Learning from the Experts series hosted by NYSERDA’s Offshore Wind Team and featuring experts in key offshore wind topics, including wind farm technologies, development practices, regulatory processes, and research initiatives. For more information on this series and presentation slides, visit


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