Franco Corelli "Amai la vita... Quello che tacete" La fanciulla del West 1956 La Scala LIVE

Описание к видео Franco Corelli "Amai la vita... Quello che tacete" La fanciulla del West 1956 La Scala LIVE

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The complete opera is available!    • La fanciulla del West FULL 1956 audio...  

April 4, 1956, Teatro alla Scala
Puccini: La fanciulla del West
Photos by Erio Piccagliani

Minnie Falconer - Gigliola Frazzoni
Jack Rance - Tito Gobbi
Dick Johnson - Franco Corelli
Nick - Franco Ricciardi
Ashby - Ugo Novelli
Sonora - Enzo Sordello
Trin - Athos Cesarini
Sid - Michele Cazzato
Bello - Pierluigi Latinucci
Harry - Gino del Signore
Joe - Angelo Mercuriali
Happy - Carlo Forti
Jim Larkens - Giuseppe Morresi
Billy Jackrabbit - Eraldo Coda
Wowkle - Maria Amadini
Jake Wallace - Nicola Zaccaria
Josè Castro - Vittorio Tatozzi
Un postiglione - Erminio Benatti

Conductor: Antonino Votto
Chorus master: Norberto Mola
Stage director: Mario Frigerio
Sets and costumes: Nicola Benois

This channel is an extension of the Facebook group of the same name, where we share original articles, interviews, useful and informative documents, links, resources about Franco Corelli's life, art, career, discography, technique, etc.

This channel serves non-profit, educational purposes only.


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