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相比大家提起尔湾,就一定会想起这里的尔湾大公园的热气球!在尔湾所有公园中最受欢迎的公园想必是Great Park社区包括Pavillion Park, Beacon Park, Parasol Park, Cadence Park, Novel Park, Rise Park, Solis park等新晋社区,超过10个游泳池的大社区,此公园佔地 1,300 英亩,每到周末会有许多民众前来这里野餐、打篮球、散步等,甚至这裡还有一个小型的热气球可游玩,14个网球场,标准足球场,滑冰场,以及室外音乐广场。在这里听演唱会,不是梦!

Welcome to our video where we'll be exploring one of the most sought-after communities in Southern California - The Great Park Community. Situated in the heart of Irvine, this community offers a plethora of amenities, making it an ideal place to live for families and individuals alike. In this video, we'll be taking a closer look at the amazing multiple parks and pool, the highly-regarded Irvine School District, the great coffee shops, and the top-notch Great Park amenities. Join us as we dive into what makes the Great Park Community one of the best places to live in California. We'll also showcase one of our exclusive listings at 229 Cultivate Irvine.

Broker address: RE/MAX Premier Realty
5299 Alton Parkway
Irvine, CA 92604
WeChat: eugeniezheng
Websites: Website, LinkedIn

Real Estate Licenses: 01982489 (CA)

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