CORE supports Positive Voice in advocating for the rights of sex workers in Greece

Описание к видео CORE supports Positive Voice in advocating for the rights of sex workers in Greece

"Because of the current law on sex work in Greece, sex workers face a lot of stigma and discrimination, and are excluded from fundamental rights that other professions have," explains Konstantina Papastefanaki from the Greek activist organisation Positive Voice. The law does not recognise online platforms as a legitimate form of sex work, only brothels. Additionally, brothels cannot be established within 200 metres of churches, schools, or public squares, making it challenging to find legal locations. The law even stipulates that sex workers cannot marry. According to Konstantina, improved legislation would prevent sex trafficking and violence, as well as reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Positive Voice is undertaking various actions to advocate for changes to sex work legislation. As part of CORE, they are organising a European event to present findings from an international research study investigating the challenges, stigma, and police violence faced by sex workers across Europe.

"CORE – COmmunity REsponse to End Inequalities" is a 36-month EU Action Grant running from January 1st, 2023, to December 31st, 2025, involving 24 partners from 16 EU Member States. The project seeks to reduce inequalities in the responses to HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis by promoting, strengthening, and integrating community responses that have proven essential in reaching communities traditionally underserved by mainstream prevention and healthcare services. Funded by the EU4Health Programme, this project is particularly crucial in countries where these responses remain inadequate compared to the EU average.

We interviewed members of the implementing organisations about the progress they have made at the project's halfway point. The results demonstrate that CORE substantially supports these organisations at the grassroots level.


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