Godot Gridmap: ALL you need to master 3D Tilemaps

Описание к видео Godot Gridmap: ALL you need to master 3D Tilemaps

Tilemaps are really popular in Godot, and we usually start searching terms like 3D Tilemaps when starting our first 3D game... The exact term is Gridmap which is a really good node to build 3D environments in Godot 4.

But every starting point has some sharp edges that can be really painful. This video will cover all the issues I faced during my discovery of the Gridmap node. How to solve misalignments, displacements and rotations when using mesh libraries on Gridmaps.

Hope this video helps you in your game!

Maybe you are up to applying this new knowledge to a game, check the different tutorials made in the channel:
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3D RPG (HD2D art style):    • Create your dream 3D RPG FAST in Godo...  

00:00 Intro
00:49 Basic usage of Gridmaps in Godot
01:37 Solving Gridmap issues inside the Godot Editor
04:23 We need slopes in our Gridmap
05:15 Using Blender to solve issues in our meshes
09:10 Apply Gridmaps to your project


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