Fossils of California - Año Nuevo State Park

Описание к видео Fossils of California - Año Nuevo State Park

Here is a quiz if you are up to a challenge.
Answers can be found by following the links after each question but try to answer yourself first and let us know how many did you get right.
1. What chemical element is responsible for wide spread of calcite-based exoskeletons leading to over-representation of trilobites in the early fossil records?
   • Trilobites of Wheeler Shale  
2. What defines the diet preferences of Conus mollusks?
   • Introduction to cone shells  
3. What is evolutionary role of chemicals that makes peppers hot?
   • Facts and images of toxic household m...  
4. Why the eyes of a man figures on ancient effigy jars from Mexico a closed or half closed?
   • Curiosity box #2. Effigy jar Casas Gr...  
5. Mammoth tusk can be distinguished from modern ivory by the angle between Hunter-Schreger lines. What is the function of these structures?
   • Stories about fossils: cool carpoids,...  
6. What shark of Permian period was diadromous?
   • Enigmatic Permian sharks and reptiles...  

In this video we feature accumulation of fossilized clams in the cliffs of the Pacific coast, North America. Walking around and taking pictures for digital preservation. No collecting!!!



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