automate test robot framework

Описание к видео automate test robot framework

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*automating tests with robot framework: an informative tutorial*

robot framework is an open-source automation framework that is primarily used for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (atdd). it uses a keyword-driven approach, which makes it easy to read and write tests, even for those who are not experienced programmers.


before you begin using robot framework, ensure you have the following installed:

1. **python**: robot framework is built on python, so you need to have python installed. you can download it from [](
2. **pip**: this is the package manager for python, which is usually included with python installations.
3. **robot framework**: you can install robot framework using pip.

pip install robotframework

4. **seleniumlibrary**: if you plan to automate web applications, you will need the seleniumlibrary.

pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary

creating a simple test

let’s create a simple test case to automate the login functionality of a web application.

step 1: create a new directory

create a new directory for your robot framework tests.

mkdir robot_tests
cd robot_tests

step 2: create a test suite

create a new file with a `.robot` extension. for example, `login_test.robot`.

** settings **
library seleniumlibrary

** variables **
${username} your_username
${password} your_password

** test cases **
successful login test
[documentation] this test verifies that a user can log in successfully.
open browser ${url} chrome
input text id=username ${username}
input text id=password ${password}
click button id=login
page should contain welcome, ${username}
close browser

explanation of the test case

**settings section**: this section imports the necessary libraries. here, we import `seleniuml ...

#RobotFramework #AutomatedTesting #python
robot framework
test automation
automated testing
keyword-driven testing
Python testing
web testing
mobile testing
API testing
test scripts
test cases
continuous integration
software quality assurance
test management
behavior-driven development
open-source testing


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