बवासीर ठीक करने का पावरफुल इंजेक्शन // Complete Treatment for piles // NumanMedicine

Описание к видео बवासीर ठीक करने का पावरफुल इंजेक्शन // Complete Treatment for piles // NumanMedicine

Hello guys -Welcome🎉 to NumanMedicine
I m Drx Shahbuddin Registerd pharmacist and Medicine Cunsultant

Disclaimer -: Our video is made for the only education purpose, it is not wrong to take any medicine by myself in any video.
If any person takes medicine after watching the video, then he himself will be responsible for it.
Thank you ❤

About - : I am drx Shahbuddin I m B. phama and Registerd pharmacist. this is my YouTube channel NumanMedicine where is uploaded video on Medicine, disease, Medicine side effects, Precautions.

This is my second channel 🙏please support kre
   / @numanfit  


बवासीर ठीक करने का पावरफुल इंजेक्शन // Complete Treatment for piles // NumanMedicine

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Disclaimer:- This video is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have watched on this channel.
Thanks & Regards
Pharmacist Shahbuddin




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