あっこゴリラ (AKKOGORILLA) - DON'T PUSH ME feat.Moment Joon (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео あっこゴリラ (AKKOGORILLA) - DON'T PUSH ME feat.Moment Joon (Official Music Video)

"DON'T PUSH ME feat.Moment Joon"

You’re not allowed to me mad
Cause in japan then you lose
You get labelled just by saying whatever you wanna say
If you cry then you lose
“You know you won’t get away with everything cause you’re a girl"
My fucking boss and his smirk
Oh yeah right everything’s my fault wasn’t it
Oh yeah right I was the stupid one I wanna
Disappear I won’t say
That anymore
Quit sleeping with your eyes open, would you?
I know that any other emotions I have
Get erased from history and when landmines they plant
In me erupt, it’s “oh her period” or “she’s hysterical”
Irrationality, stew it up to make this hell
“You are crazy” or
“Spit it out but make it inoffensive for us”
Gripped the loudspeaker silently self-defend
Cries that aren’t one or the other, where are they going?

This world is hard to live like me.
The moment I say that the world changed.
As if I never even existed
Take back the narrative and raise your own voice

Don’t push me now (if you just wanna make fun of me)
Don’t push me now (if you’re not being serious)
Don’t push me now this is the action and reaction
Would you hurry up and apologize to this fist, huh?

I don’t know if I were Jesus Christ
But I’m a bad Christian, so I make a fist
“As a minority, I gotta be a model” is like
Such a joke, the UZI in me goes
Any pain is left ignored, through, through
But in my chest, not my head it hurts, hurts
It's all true true
AKKOGORILLA and Moment Joon, just like a hedgehog couple
“He’s angry again, act in harmony”
Uh, you were the one who made it, this show
A woman gets angry and it’s “she’s a witch”
Moment gets angry and its “oh, gook”
The best revenge is probably Maybach
But I still can’t hide them my emotions and sorrows
I cried like a human, am I the one who loses?
No, it's just that you’re not a human (you robot)

If you prick us do we not cry?
These tears that fall when in pain
Everyone that watches in glee
Feel like lost here
Want to have a conversation with you
It’s alright I won’t bite
But from the start if you only wanna make fun of me then

Don’t push me now (if you don’t want to cry)
Don’t push me now (if you’re not being serious)
Don’t push me now this is the action and reaction
Would you hurry up and apologize to this fist, huh?


Lyric & Rap by AKKOGORILLA,Moment Joon
Music by NEW K,AKKOGORILLA,Moment Joon
Recorded & Mixed by 青木悠(B-PILOT)
MV Direction Kota Watanabe
Director of Photography: TOMOBL2
Lighting Director: Takashi Watanabe
Production support: Shotaro Narikawa
Styling 渕上カン
Hair & Make up 久慈愛(LUCK HAIR)
Title graffiti NAZE
Extra ZINEZ a.k.a.KAMIKAZE/CHUSEI/Ryuki/武田駿平/GOTO/バイレファンキかけ子

「切実な喜び怒り哀しみが、勇気をもって言ってみたことが、冷笑とか雑なラベリングでもみくちゃにされることがある。大人になったって、どんなにスルーするのが上手になったって、胸には確実に着実に溜まって、気づけば何も感じなくなってゆく。その方が楽だし。じゃあ、傷つかないようになにも考えないで生きる方をこれからもずっと選ぶ?いや、わたしはわたしの心で生きたい。そんな"なかったこと"にされがちなあの気持ち達をMoment Joonと一緒に解放させました。爆音で聴いてスカっとしてください。バカにしたいだけなら、本気じゃないなら、DON'T PUSH ME !!!!!」

ドラマーとしてメジャーデビューを果たし、バンド解散後ラッパーとしてゼロから下積みを重ねる。2017年には、日本初のフィメール(女性)のみのMCバトル『CINDERELLA MCBATTLE』で優勝。2018年12月、1stフルアルバム『GRRRLISM』をリリース。2019年よりJ-WAVE『SONAR MUSIC』でメインナビゲーターを務め、また立教大学でのジェンダー講義や、アフリカ大陸マラウイで村人を巻き込んだストリートライヴなど、性別・国籍・年齢・業界の壁を超えた唯一無二の表現活動を行う。2020年より独立し、mixtape「NINGEN GOKAKU」を発表。ちなみにゴリラの由来はノリ。

2021.6.23. RELEASE
あっこゴリラmixtape「NINGEN GOKAKU」
Teser movie▶︎    • あっこゴリラ(AKKOGORILLA)- mixtape『 NINGEN ...  

5.神器dig it
8.DON'T PUSH ME feat.Moment Joon
9.I'm here


2021.7.4.『NINGEN GOKAKU』リリースパーティワンマン
▶️ t.livepocket.jp/e/2mgid
▶️ https://qumomee.toos.co.jp/products/0...




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