BEST Ascaso Settings - Ace Your Steel Duo PID (or Uno/Dream) Setup!

Описание к видео BEST Ascaso Settings - Ace Your Steel Duo PID (or Uno/Dream) Setup!

10% Off Ascaso Duo/Uno/Dream - (Use DADDYGOTCOFFEE - Afiiliate Link)
10% Off Fiorenzato Grinders, Kalita, Yama - (Use DADDYGOTCOFFEE - Affiliate Link)

These are, in my opinion, the best settings to get started on your Ascaso Steel Duo, Uno or Dream setup to get you the best espresso shots the fastest.

0:00 - Intro
1:00 - Take the Settings and Run
2:02 - PID
2:55 - Navigating the Setup Menu
3:27 - Ud (Temperature Scale)
3:44 - Pr (Pre-Infusion)
4:55 - Cr (Shot Timer)
5:10 - OFF (Standby)
5:32 - U (Temp. Offset)
6:03 - St (Steam On/Off)
6:15 - tSt (Steam Temp.)
6:51 - OPV
9:11 - Dialing In Espresso


Информация по комментариям в разработке