I Made My Own Stylish Closet Organization - DIY Closet Makeover Ideas

Описание к видео I Made My Own Stylish Closet Organization - DIY Closet Makeover Ideas

A nice organized aesthetic closet that shows off your favorite items (think boutique style!) is what most of us are after. A clean closet we can open or walk-into and not want to turn around and slam the door(s). However, many of us get overwhelmed with unrealistic closet organizing tips and systems. An organized decluttered closet can still have "HIDDEN MESSINESS" that looks great- don't worry I'll show you how! It's all about tricking the eye.

Organized closets equal stress free mornings, BUT you have to create a closet organization system that works for YOU! Something that YOU can maintain and makes sense for your lifestyle. Don't overcomplicate closet organization! Declutter that closet and I promise it may not be your dream closet but it won't be in your nightmares (hopefully lol) and you will still love it! You really can reduce your stress with an organized decluttered aesthetic closet and create something you love to see by highlighting items that make you happy!   / naliyahkaya  

Time Stamps
00:00 Intro
00:09 How to choose hangers and color code your closet
1:31 How to reduce closet clutter
5:25 DIY boot inserts
5:55 How to make your closet aesthetic
6:12 How to fold pants
8:08 How to keep your closet looking nice


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