[Old World Battle Report] High Elves & Lizardmen VS Bretonnia & Ogres

Описание к видео [Old World Battle Report] High Elves & Lizardmen VS Bretonnia & Ogres

This video is part 2 of our April clubday.
It features the battle report of High Elves(Snoddie) & Lizardmen (Twan) vs Bretonnia (TheBeginS) & Ogre Kingdoms (Timo).
Each general has a 1500 points army list which you can find below.

Snoddie Helfs [1498 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, High Elf Realms

++ Characters [671 pts] ++

Handmaiden of the Everqueen [120 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Handmaiden's spear
- Bow of Avelorn
- Light armour
- Horn of Isha
- General
- Ruby Ring of Ruin

Prince [211 pts]
- Great weapon
- Light armour
- Shield
- On foot
- Reaver Bow
- Armour of Caledor
- Sea Guard

Mage [130 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 2 Wizard
- On foot
- Dispel Scroll
- Sea Guard
- Battle Magic

Archmage [210 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 4 Wizard
- On foot
- Silvery Wand
- Warden of Saphery
- Illusion

++ Core Units [527 pts] ++

20 Sisters of Avelorn [307 pts]
- Bows of Avelorn
- Light armour
- High Sister

20 Lothern Sea Guard [220 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Thrusting spears
- Warbows
- Light armour

++ Special Units [140 pts] ++

5 Shadow Warriors [70 pts]
- Longbow
- Light armour

5 Shadow Warriors [70 pts]
- Longbow
- Light armour

++ Rare Units [160 pts] ++

Eagle-Claw Bolt Thrower [80 pts]

Eagle-Claw Bolt Thrower [80 pts]

Twan Lizardmen[1498 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen

++ Characters [660 pts] ++

Slann Mage-Priest [370 pts]
- Hand weapon
- General
- Battle Standard Bearer
- Higher State Of Mind
- Necromancy

Saurus Scar-Veteran [290 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
- Carnosaur
- Talisman of Protection

++ Core Units [394 pts] ++

20 Saurus Warriors [334 pts]
- Thrusting spears
- Shields
- Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
- Shieldwall
- Spawn Leader (champion)
- Standard bearer

10 Skink Skirmishers [60 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Javelins
- Shields
- Light armour (Calloused hides)
- Scouts

++ Special Units [229 pts] ++

6 Cold One Riders [229 pts]
- Cavalry spears
- Shields
- Heavy armour (Scaly skin)
- Drilled
- Pack Leader (champion)

++ Rare Units [215 pts] ++

Stegadon [215 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Javelins
- Great horns
- Giant bow


TheBeginS, Kingdom of Bretonnia [1499 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Kingdom of Bretonnia, Bretonnian Exiles

++ Characters [655 pts] ++

Paladin [115 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Lance (if appropriately mounted)
- Heavy armour
- Battle Standard Bearer [Banner Of The Zealous Knight]
- Bretonnian Warhorse
- Enchanted Shield

Damsel [76 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Bretonnian Warhorse
- Elementalism

Baron [342 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Heavy armour
- Shield
- General
- Hippogryph [Barding]
- Frontier Axe
- Gromril Great Helm
- Gauntlet of the Duel
- Virtue of Purity

Outcast Wizard [122 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 3 Wizard
- Warhorse
- Earthing Rod
- Dark Magic

++ Core Units [481 pts] ++

26 Yeomen Guard [155 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Thrusting spears
- Light armour
- Shields
- Warden (champion)
- Grail Monk
- Standard bearer
- Musician

8 Mounted Knights of the Realm [213 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Lances
- Shields
- Heavy armour
- First Knight (champion)
- Standard bearer
- Musician

5 Knights Errant [113 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Lances
- Shields
- Heavy armour
- Gallant (champion)
- Standard bearer
- Musician

++ Special Units [186 pts] ++

3 Pegasus Knights [186 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Lances
- Shields
- Heavy armour
- First Knight (champion)
- Standard bearer
- Musician

++ Rare Units [177 pts] ++

6 Questing Knights [177 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Great weapons
- Shields
- Heavy armour
- Paragon (champion)
- Standard bearer
- Musician

Timo's Ogres
Ogre Kingdoms [1499 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Ogre Kingdoms

++ Characters [305 pts] ++

Slaughtermaster [305 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Level 4 Wizard
- Grut's Sickle
- Battle Magic

++ Core Units [399 pts] ++

5 Iron Guts [266 pts]
- Hand Weapons
- Great Weapons
- Heavy Armour
- Gutlord [Daemon-Slayer Scars]
- Standard bearer [Cannibal Totem]
- Bellower (musician)

3 Ogre Bulls [93 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Light armour

20 Gnoblar Fighters [40 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Throwing weapons (Sharp stuff)

++ Special Units [595 pts] ++

3 Maneaters [240 pts]
- Hand weapons
- Light armour
- Poisoned Attacks
- Vanguard
- 3x Ironfists
- 3x Brace of Ogre pistols
- 3x Heavy armour
- Maneater Captain (champion)
- Standard bearer
- Bellower (musician)

4 Mournfang Cavalry [355 pts]
- Ironfist
- Heavy armour
- Crusher (champion) [Daemon-Slayer Scars]
- Standard bearer [Rampaging Banner]
- Bellower (musician)

++ Rare Units [200 pts] ++

Giant [200 pts]
- Giant's club
- Light armour (Calloused hide)


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