Beethoven Symphony #9 Recitative and Ode to Joy

Описание к видео Beethoven Symphony #9 Recitative and Ode to Joy

A tutorial and performance of the Recitative from LV Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (4th movement) as well as the Ode to Joy theme. Performed by Barry Lieberman, former Assistant Principal bass of the Los Angeles Philharmonic and currently the professor of double bass at the University of Washington in Seattle. Performed on a 17th century Maggini double bass, bow by Reid Hudson.of Victoria Canada. For more on the Maggini please visit Barry Lieberman and the Maggini.
Are you interested in studying at the University of Washington in Seattle? We offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in performance. Please contact Prof Lieberman at [email protected] or call 206.685.9112 for more information.


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