What does Adulation mean? Learn the meaning of Adulation as we define this advanced vocabulary word with a simple definition, vocabulary pictures, example sentences, and clear English pronunciation with audio.
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Adulation definition (noun) great praise for someone, often more than what is deserved
Adulation pronunciation: aj-uh-ley-shuh n
Examples of Adulation in a sentence:
1. Although Jason was a famous celebrity, he was very uncomfortable with the adulation from his fans.
2. It is obvious that most of the billionaire’s adulation comes from people who are simply after his money.
3. The adulation and applause from the crowd made the former president smile.
4. My grandmother was a very religious woman who saved her greatest adulation for God.
5. When Bill made the game winning shot, his teammates showered him with adulation.
Adulation synonyms and other related words for Adulation
flattery, praise, worship, applause, blandishment, glorification, commendation, acclaim, cajolery, homage, reverence, veneration, love, adoration, blarney, honor, sycophancy, admiration, compliment, approbation, glory, idolatry, idolization, respect, exaltation, fawning, devotion, accolade, deification, soft soap, approval
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