Arsalan vs Aminia | সেরা বিরিয়ানির দৌড়ে এগিয়ে কে? | Best Biryani Restaurant in Kolkata - 2021

Описание к видео Arsalan vs Aminia | সেরা বিরিয়ানির দৌড়ে এগিয়ে কে? | Best Biryani Restaurant in Kolkata - 2021

Arsalan vs Aminia - The Ultimate Biryani War - 2021

This video is made for biryani lovers. As we are giving our honest reviews about the best biryani restaurants in Kolkata, we decided to compare two of the famous biryani in Kolkata. Our video of Arsalan vs Aminia biryani is based on our unbiased opinion and may differ from other's opinion. This video is not sponsored. True Biryani lovers will surely enjoy this video and get a clear concept of the food. You will also get detailed information about the price, quality and quantity of the biriyani of these two restaurants.

We'll cover:

1. Best Biryani in Kolkata
2. Arsalan vs Aminia
3. Arsalan Biryani Kolkata
4. Aminia Biryani Kolkata
5. Biryani War
6. Biryani Battle
7. Chicken Biryani
8. Best Chicken Biryani in Kolkata
9. Best Kolkata Biryani

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