Pay Per Click Management Tips

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7 Steps to Optimizing Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns

Pay per click (PPC) advertising is a very effective way of getting prospective customers to find your website, when they are actively looking for your goods or services.

Most consumers and businesses use search engines to research, and find the sources for the things they need. A well managed PPC campaign on selected search engines, will bring them to your site, instead of your competition.

If you choose to use this internet marketing tool, here are some tips to keep in mind.

1. Begin with keyword research - find out what words your customers and prospects use when doing their searches, and find out what other advertisers are competing for them
2. Well crafted ad copy - you need to use succinct and attention-getting language to turn a searcher into a visitor
3. Practice A/B Ad testing - try out different ads, and learn to use tools that help you compare which ones get you the most cost-effective leads
4. Manage Bids - pay attention to how much you are bidding for different keywords, and how effective your ads are in getting good position, and good results.
5. Make landing pages relevant - give visitors what they are looking for. If you bid on the keyword "widgets" and your ad says "Best widgets in town," then the landing page ought to say something about widgets and how to get them from you.
6. Hone the call to action (CTA) - make sure to tell your prospective customers what they can do next, to get what they want. Should they buy something from you online? Pick up a phone? Subscribe to your newsletter?
7. Measure results and adapt - there are few absolute "right" and "wrong" campaign. The key is to be better than your competition, and that means paying attention to all the other factors, and regularly adjusting your campaign to stay ahead of the pack.


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