Dwarven Forge Dungeon Build Ideas

Описание к видео Dwarven Forge Dungeon Build Ideas

I take a look at three of the sets from the Dungeons of Doom line from Dwarven Forge, Zaltar's Gameroom, Classic Dungeon Remastered, and Fanatic's Trove, and come up with three build ideas by combining them in pairs.

First I make a two section dungeon with a hallway connecting them by combining Zaltar's Gameroom and the Classic Dungeon Remastered.

Second, I build a trap-filled intersection of a dungeon that a group of thugs or cultists could use as a base or hold-up point by combining Zaltar's Gameroom with the Fanatic's Trove.

Finally, I make a massive boss fight chamber/prison break dungeon by combining the Classic Dungeon Remastered with the Fantatic's Trove

You can get Dwarven Forge terrain here : https://dwarvenforge.com/


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