Meeting Agenda | How to write an Agenda | Format | Example | Business Writing

Описание к видео Meeting Agenda | How to write an Agenda | Format | Example | Business Writing

What is Meeting Agenda?
A meeting agenda is a list of activities that participants are hoping to achieve during the meeting.
It must have three things in it:
1. Meeting Details
2. List of Activity along with the Action Owners
3. Prior Meeting Actions if any.

Why is Meeting Agenda important?
The three key advantages of preparing an Agenda are:
1. It prevents unproductive meetings.
2. It saves a lot of time.
3. Other Attendees or Guest gets aware of the schedule well in advance.

Format of the Agenda?
1. At the top middle, write the word: Meeting Agenda
2. write, Meeting Details
3. write, Activity List.
4. Mention the name of Attendees that will be joining the meeting
5. Finally, Mention the list of Actions that need to be performed by the attendees.

Please watch the entire video to understand the concepts clearly.

Important Grammar and Writing PlayList:

Writing Skills
   • Writing Skills  
Grammar Basics | Parts of Speech
   • Grammar Basics | Parts of Speech  
Active Passive Voice | English Grammar
   • Active Passive Voice | English Grammar  
Grammar Basics | Sentences
   • Grammar Basics | Sentences  
Direct Indirect Speech | Advanced Grammar
   • Direct Indirect Speech | Advance Grammar  
Important Grammar Lessons
   • Important Grammar Lessons  
Articles In English
   • Articles In English  
Figure of Speech
   • Figure of Speech  
Exam Preparation Tips
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Subject Verb Agreement
   • Subject Verb Agreement  
   • Modifiers  
Modal Verbs
   • Modal Verbs  
Vocabulary Lessons
   • Vocabulary Lessons  


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