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Introduction 0:00
Tools Needed: 0:33
How to Use: 0:47
Where to Use: 2:18
When to Use: 3:07
Safety: 3:29
If you need to treat for wood-infesting insects like ants or termites, or common invasive pests like cockroaches, box elder bugs, or silverfish, check out Navigator SC. Navigator SC is an effective pre-construction and post-construction control product that will kill a variety of subterranean termites, perimeter pests, and invasive insects while protecting your home against future invasion. This product is made with fipronil, a non-repellent insecticide, so labeled pests will travel through treated areas without any alert.
Navigator SC is a suspended concentrate, so you’ll need to mix it with water before application. For an exterior perimeter treatment, you may mix and apply this product using a handheld pump sprayer, a backpack sprayer, or a spray rig.
For most general applications, we recommend you use 0.8 fluid ounces of Navigator SC per 1 gallon of finished solution to achieve a 0.06% dilution.
For general exterior perimeter applications, apply 2 quarts of your 0.06% spray dilution per 160 linear feet, or use 1.5 gallons of solution per 1000 sq. feet.
Apply Navigator SC as a low-pressure, coarse spray. Spray up to an 18-inch-wide band around common insect entry points like around doors, windows, vents, utility penetrations, and any other opening. You may also apply your solution as a barrier application by spraying along your structure’s perimeter going 1 foot up and 1 foot out where the ground meets the foundation.
For termite trenching applications, dig a trench around the structure’s perimeter 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep, then apply 4 gallons of finished solution for every 10 linear feet. Once complete, replace the displaced soil and pack it down for adequate distribution.
Navigator SC is ideal for use on exterior surfaces and along foundation perimeters. However, indoor application is only recommended for specified termite control and foam applications to wall voids.
For pre-construction treatments, apply Navigator SC to the entire surface to be covered by the concrete slab. For post-construction treatments, apply along foundation walls, around pillars, and other foundation elements.
Do not use Navigator SC on golf course turf, and avoid applying it in voids insulated with rigid foam. Do not treat fruit or nut-bearing trees.
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