Low-Effort Woodwind Doubling: Contra Alto Clarinet

Описание к видео Low-Effort Woodwind Doubling: Contra Alto Clarinet

The 2nd Least appreciated member of the Clarinet family next to the Alto.


So yeah, Low Effort Woodwind Doubling...it's not really a series getting too deep into technical aspects or repertoire. It's more about finding different woodwinds and their unique voices and having fun watching me stumble around my words talking about how awesome they are, and what your average run-of-the-mill creative musician could use them for!

This episode, we bring out the contra alto clarinet, which IMHO does a better job at bass than the bass clarinet does and is a fantastic alternative option for composers looking to beef up their low end with an instrument that not only has a larger useful range down below, but is handy for all us Bari sax soloists as we don't have to worry about a second transposition to worry about...(hence Low Effort)

NOTE: When going through altissimo fingerings, I forgot F...(low effort...ahem...) For the F, overblow throat Bb. Easy peasy.

JAZZLORD: (n) A gender-neutral honorific describing anyone who is an enthusiast of the music (player or not...doesn't matter) and isn't a giant, steaming bag of cockroach farts about it.


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