Falcon - Amiga

Описание к видео Falcon - Amiga

A flight simulator released by Spectrum Holobyte in 1987 for the Macintosh and IBM Compatibles, ported to the Amiga in 1989.

It has got nice graphics and sound, very good speed, a quite realistic HUD and radar display (probably the most realistic available in those days), good missions, nice dogfights, etc.

One of its drawbacks is the flight model, some aspects of which lack in realism, even when compared to less realistic simulators of its time.

In addition, the controls are a bit touchy, which makes the airplane difficult to control. This makes the lack of analog joystick option evident. In some situations like dogfights, it is better to use the mouse in order to have a slightly higher degree of control on some maneuvers, not that this makes it any easier.
Another important thing that's missing is rudder control.

The above criticism doesn't mean that it is a bad game. On the contrary, Falcon is one of the best simulators of its era, which is probably why it is judged more strictly.
So, besides a few problems, some of which were inherited from the PC version, it has got many good features.

Therefore, it is a very good game.


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