A clinical & scientific perspective on lecanemab – UK DRI Roundtable

Описание к видео A clinical & scientific perspective on lecanemab – UK DRI Roundtable

The UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI) hosts a virtual roundtable to discuss the promising Phase III trial data of lecanemab for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, following presentation of results from Eisai/Biogen at CTAD (Clinical Trials on Alzheimer' Disease conference - Nov 29 2022).

The roundtable was intended for an audience of discovery scientists, clinicians, industry and experts in dementia research and drug development field. An expert panel of clinicians and basic researchers dig into the data, providing their perspective on what the results mean for amyloid therapies, drug discovery, trial design, the next steps and more.

Please note:
- The webinar was recorded on Tuesday 13 December 2022
- All contributions from all attendees, including panelists, represent the personal opinion of the contributor and expressly do not represent any company or other organisation regardless of any actual or perceived affiliation, employment, branding or logos.
- Full details on the event webpage - https://ukdri.ac.uk/events/a-clinical...
- To find out more about UK DRI, visit our website at www.ukdri.ac.uk, and sign up to our monthly newsletter - https://bit.ly/3V1lIDh

Chaired by Prof Jonathan Schott & and Dr Giovanna Lalli

00:01:00 Prof Jonathan Schott
Professor of Neurology at the Dementia Research Centre, UCL Institute of Neurology and Honorary consultant neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square & UK DRI Co-investigator

Prof Schott leads several translational clinical research projects in the dementias, with particular interest in how clinical assessment, imaging and fluid (blood and CSF) biomarkers and genetics can be combined to improve differential diagnosis and identify pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. This include Insight 46, a major neuroimaging study of the MRC National Survey of Health and Development British 1946 Birth Cohort.

00:10:12 Dr Catherine Mummery
Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Clinical lead for the NHNN Cognitive Disorders Clinic and NIHR UCLH BRC Academic Lead and Head

Dr Catherine Mummery is head of novel therapeutics at the Dementia Research Centre, UCL, and has been senior investigator on over 20 early phase drug trials of disease modifying agents in dementias including genetic forms of Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. She is also deputy director for the Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre at NHNN, a unit dedicated to early phase trials in neurodegeneration.

00:21:12 Prof Bart De Strooper
UK DRI Director, Group Leader at UK DRI at UCL and VIB, KULeuven

Prof De Strooper is a world-leading dementia discovery scientist, pioneering investigation on the secretases and proteases which cleave the amyloid precursor protein (APP), and are implicated in Alzheimer’s. His current studies focus on the complex cellular phase of the disease using single cell, genome wide transcription profiling with spatial and temporal resolution.

00:29:01 Prof James Rowe
Professor of Cognitive Neurology in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge, practising consultant neurologist and Director of the Cambridge Centre for Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorder.

Prof Rowe is an Associate Director of Dementias Platform UK and leads the Experimental Medicine Incubator (EMI) and the Synaptic Health theme within the EMI. His research aims to protect brain function in those at risk of dementia, and restore brain function in those with symptoms.

00:39:36 Prof Clare Mackay
Professor of Imaging Neuroscience at the University of Oxford, Associate Director of the Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA), Theme Lead, NIHR Oxford Health BRC (Older Adults & Dementia)

Prof Mackay’s background is in imaging and she has a broad interest in biomarkers. She has recently pioneered the Oxford Brain Health Clinic as a translational interface to improve diagnostics and develop pathways for personalised risk reduction.

Dr Giovanna Lalli
UK DRI Director of Scientific Affairs

Dr Lalli joined the UK DRI as Director of Scientific Affairs in September 2018, following three years at Wellcome as Senior Portfolio Developer and Acting Head of Neuroscience and Mental Health. She has over 20 years of research experience, including a 7-year period as principal investigator and lecturer in molecular neurobiology at King’s College London.


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