賽螃蟹 Shanghai Stir-fry Egg Whites丨Prime-Living x Saladmaster(2023)

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賽螃蟹 Shanghai Stir-fry Egg Whites

材料 Ingredients
西蘭花 1個 / 1 broccoli
蛋白 6隻 / 6 egg whites
蛋黃 1隻 / 1 egg yolk
牛奶 80毫升 / 80ml milk
生粉 1茶匙 / 1 teaspoon cornstarch

做法 Method
1. 西蘭花洗淨,切朵。薑切片。
Rinse the broccoli and cut into florets. Ginger cut into slices.

2. 先鋪上薑片,西蘭花鋪放在鍋內,加少許水。蓋上鍋蓋開中火加熱,待氣閥門跳動便轉細火,共煮4分鐘,煮時保持氣閥門跳動,熄火後打開鍋蓋放涼。
Put the ginger slices in the pot, an then the broccoli, add a little water. Put on the lid and heat it over medium heat. When the Vapo-valve starts to click, turn to low heat. Cook for 4 minutes and keep the valve clicking while cooking. Let them cool.

3. 分開蛋黃和蛋白,全部蛋白放入同一容器內,留起一隻蛋黃上碟時用。打勻蛋白,慢慢加入牛奶拌勻,再加入生粉拌勻。
Separate the egg yolk from the white, put all the egg whites in a container, and reserve one egg yolk for serving. Beat the egg whites, slowly add milk and mix well, then add cornstarch and mix well.

4. 凍鍋下油,開中細火加熱,待有白煙升起,倒入蛋白炒至略為凝固,便可熄火用鍋的餘溫令蛋白熟透,可保持蛋白軟滑。
Add oil to a cold pan, heat it over medium low heat until smoke emerges. Pour in the egg whites and stir-fry until slightly solidified. Turn off the heat and let the remaining heat cooks the egg whites through. This can keep the egg whites soft and smooth.

5. 將西蘭花鋪放在碟上,蛋白放在西蘭花中間,在蛋白中間開一個小洞,輕輕放上蛋黃,女。
Place the broccoli evenly on a dish, put the egg whites in the middle of the broccoli. Make a small hole in the middle of the egg whites, and gently put the egg yolk in it. It tastes better when served with Chinkiang vinegar.

Prime-Living生活館 x Saladmaster沙朗大師

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