WBCHSE Notification || HS Practical Examination || Enrollment for Class XII || HS Exam Form Fill Up

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WBCHSE Notification || HS Practical Examination || Enrollment for Class XII || HS Exam Form Fill Up
The Council through it5 Annual Working Plan: 2024-2025 vide Memo No. DS
(Exarrr)/04812024 dated 03.05.2024 has already informed all the stakeholders
regarding filling up of online enrolment forms for H.S. Examination,2025.
It is once again to bring to the notice of all the concemed that the Online Enrolment
for H.S. Examination, 2025 will be commenced from 02.12.2024 and will continue
till16.12.2024 without fine. All the concerned Head of the Institutions are requested
to fill up the Enrolment Forms through online mode by visiting the Council website: https://wbchseexam.wb.gov.in:8080/exi...
lnstructions for H.S. Practical & Proiect Examinations, 2025
to the institution affiliated to the WBCHSE
Higher secondary Practical Examination, 2025 will commence from 02/12/2024 and will
continue till 20/12/2024. The Council will distribute the blank answer scripts (04 leaves & 02 leaves) & question papers among the schools from the predetermined distribution
centres (camps) on 27 11112024.
o Each school will conduct the practical examinations of the concened practical based
subjects of their students including Music (MUSC) and Health & Physical Education (PHED).
PHED Practical Score Sheets of H.S. Practical Examination, 2025 will be uploaded shortly and it
can be downloaded by logging into the Council Portal.
o Only the teacher of the concerned subject will conduct the practical examination.
lf there is no teacher for any subject in the school at that time, then a teacher from the
neighboring school can be appointed for conducting the practical examination. However,
permission of the concerned Regional Office of Council for this purpose is to be taken by
producing the consent of the subject teacher and "no objection" of the concerned Head of
the institution.
o A candidate who has already passed in the practical examination in the previous year need
not require to appear in the practical examination again.
. Signature of the concerned examiner and countersign of the Head of the institution on the
practical answer script are mandatory.
The evaluated praclical answer scripts need not be submitted to the Council at this
stage. However, it should be kept in the safe custody of the concerned Head of the
institution according to the registration number till receiving any instruction from the
Council. The answer scripts will be collected by the Council as and when required.
After conducting the examination, practical marks has to be submitted to the Council
through online mode from 06112120241o 3'111212024 as per annual working plan vide Memo
No. DS (Exam) 104812024 dated 03.05.2024 of the Council.
o The Project Marks of the students have also to be submitted to the Council through online mode only from 06/12/2024 to 31/12/2024.
o The Practical & Project marks have to be submitted through online portal like last
year. Every school has to visit the Council's Portal
(https://wbchseapplication.wb,gov.in/portal/sec_users/login) and submit the practical
& project marks of the students.
o Please note that the schools do not need to come to the Council to submit the hard
copy of practical & project marks.
o Every Head of the institution/Examiner must be very careful while uploading practical
/project marks through online portal and there should not be any error in this regard.
o At the time of marks entry, school will be allowed to enter maximum 02 digit number or "AB" i.e, absent.
o For any query related to the Higher Secondary Practical & Project Examination, 2025 and
online marks submission, the Head of the institutions are requested to contact the
concerned Regional office of the Council within the office hours.

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