Doom II: Sunder - Map 02 (The Burrow) UV-Max in

Описание к видео Doom II: Sunder - Map 02 (The Burrow) UV-Max in

Runner: Zero-Master
Date: 2021-09-30
IWAD: Doom2.wad
PWAD: Sunder.wad
Category: UV-Max
Map: 02 (The Burrow)
Source Port (Demo): Woof v7.0.0
Source Port (Video): DSDA-Doom v0.21.2
Time: 5:13

17 seconds faster than the previous record.

Damn, the most perfect cyberdemon infighting RNG I will ever see and I didn't get the most out of it. The arch-vile being at the top area was really unfortunate, was too difficult to deal with that quickly. I actually didn't believe the cyberdemon by the switch was dead the first time I saw it, rare enough for him to be on low health by the end of it, but for the revs to actually kill him is a first.

Should have died several times, so it doesn't look pretty. Ran past a cyberdemon at close range twice while he was firing and I also ran into 2 revenant rockets. Nearly got stuck in the revenant room too, got lucky there.

Under 5 minutes is possible, but I think there's still some improvements to be made to the route. My practice attempts were all over the place, anywhere between 4m30s to 5m50s (but usually 4m55s or so, which isn't good enough), but that's with a lot of save load so I think that getting under 5 minutes would have been too much of a grind with this route, and I spent enough time routing this already so I'll leave it here for now.

Get the SSG and fire to wake up the demons, then I run through the shotgunners instead of the chaingunners because it's more consistent, less annoying and I have to go there at some point anyways. I visit the hell knight room 3 times, the reason is because it is extremely annoying to try and kill them in 1 run through since they will spread out and they need to be killed 1 by 1 near the end. So by killing a few of them and coming back they should be more grouped up. I also leave the soulsphere for the 2nd run through since there's quite a bit of health on this level, so I'd rather just get up to 100% health then leave here with 130% health or something.

Kill most of the revenants on top of the stairs while they are gathered up, can be done before the hell knight fight if you want to have the arch-viles+cyberdemon remaining idle until you get to them. That can be better if you want to kill the arch-viles immediately. If you don't kill the arch-viles you risk them ressurecting 40-70 monsters, but I just hope they die somehow, which backfired a bit during this attempt, but still far better than average.

Now instead of clearing everything I decide to just go to the next area, I hope to get the cyberdemon by the switch infighting by running into the hell knights once up top, if not I go for it anyways and die 60-70% of the time. Just hit the switch to open up the revenant room and I ignore the soulsphere for later. Now I go back to the hell knights, would be a good idea to try and kill some of the arch-viles on the way there perhaps. Kill most of the hell knights before I go get some more infighting started, then all the way back to the revenants again.

In the revenant room I just try to drag everything out so that I can "safely" kill them from the exit switch room. This usually fails pretty badly (it's not difficult though), but at least it'll make the end fight a lot easier. Most of the time I easily get out of the room once I'm done. Back yet again to the hell knight room to clear any remaining enemies, then once again back up to fire some rockets from safe distance. I should have fired more rockets and the clean up would have been much faster, but the cyberdemon was still alive so I was hoping he'd get some more infighting done.. but then he died.

What I was supposed to do at this point was to run back to the arch-vile towers and clear out the few revenants that still remain here so I could drag the majority of the remaining revenants to the cyberdemon at the switch, but he was also dead. So mostly just spread out revenants + 1 vile remaining and I lost a lot of time to it.

This route kind of seems terrible, running to the hell knight room 3 times and back to the final area 3 times, but sub 5 minutes seems within reach unlike with the previous route. I swear I tried absolutely everything here, but maybe someone else can come up with something better. This route is a lot easier than some other terrible ideas I had.


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